
“目中无人”,汉语成语,字面意思是“眼里看不见别人(to one's eyes there is no other)”,比喻自高自大,瞧不起他人(having no respect for anyone)。与英语习语“look down one's nose at”意思相近,表示“to regard or treat someone with disdain”。也可以翻译为“...

《Some Thoughts on“The 996 Work Schedule”》徐州一中夹河街校区高二(6)班学生李奕名的作文作为江苏省唯一一篇入选文章,登上《环球时报》。 网站截图 此前,李奕名该篇作文已在2019中学生英语创新测评中获得了A级的好成绩。 是不是很羡慕这么好的英语成绩 ...

1. stab sb in the back stab sb in the back指的是在(某人)背后捅刀子(指伤害信任自己的人)。 He had been lied to and stabbed in the back by people that he thought were his frie...

17. once in a blue moon 少有地 My sister lives in Alaska, so I only see her once in a blue moon. 我姐姐住在阿拉斯加,所以我很少去看她。 18. tar sb with the same brush 认为…...

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